Marimex Japan K.K.

+81 3-5858-8467
+81 3-5858-8468


Product Category
Connectors/Underwater Cables

【New Products】TrustLink Metal Shell (Macartney)


Product Features

Product Specifications

Product Name 【New Products】TrustLink Metal Shell (Macartney)
Manufacturer Name Macartney[Manufacturer Website
Product Category Connectors/Underwater Cables
Product Details Download Materials

Product Inquiry

For inquiries by email, please fill out the required information on the email form below, review our privacy policy, and click on the "Agree and Confirm Entry" button.
After confirming the contents of your inquiry, our representative will respond to you.

Product Name 【New Products】TrustLink Metal Shell (Macartney)
Company Name
Department Name
Phone Number
Email Address
Inquiry History

Privacy Policy

MARIMEX JAPAN K.K. (herewith abbreviated ‘MARIMEX JAPAN’) takes a great care in protecting its customers’ privacy sensitive information.

Definition of personal information

Personal information include, but are not limited to, the customer’s name, date of birth, address, email address and telephone number.

Purpose of gaining personal information

The purpose and scope in which the aforementioned personal information might be used is as follows.

  • Gaining information on the customer’s business background.
  • Assuring smooth flow of MARIMEX JAPAN’s work.
  • Answering customer inquiries.
  • Sending out required information.

Disclosing personal information to third parties.

Any and all personal information gained by MARIMEX JAPAN will remain undisclosed to third parties, unless an official permission to do so is obtained beforehand. However, in belowmentioned cases personal information received from potential customers may be disclosed, to prevent MARIMEX JAPAN from violating existing law.

  • Upon request from a court, police department, law firm or customer service institution, or any other institution entitled to gain personal information to assure public order.
  • Whenever legal requirements say so.
  • Whenever the customer’s permission has been duly obtained beforehand.

Scope and definition of ‘third parties’

In below mentioned cases, the title of ‘third party’ does not apply to institutions receiving customer’s personal information.

  • In case when disclosing any and all personal information received from the customer is necessary to assure smooth running of all procedures operated by MARIMEX JAPAN.
  • In the event of transferring the right of approval to any party associated with MARIMEX JAPAN.

Application and processing of personal data

All personal data retrieved from customers of MARIMEX JAPAN are processed in a way that makes it impossible to identify the specific individual said data applies to. Such processed data can be further used by MARIMEX JAPAN for statistical purposes.


This policy is subject to change without previous notice.
In case of applying any changes to this policy, such changes shall become publically known.


Address 2-42-11 Kameido, Koto-ku, Tokyo 136-0071
Phone +81 3-5858-8467
Reception hours 9:30~17:30(Weekdays)
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